For Business Owners Looking To Make More Money:

The Heartbeat of Your Business

Custom Marketing Solutions, Systems, and Automations to Increase Cashflow

Some Clientele:

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How It Works

The Three Pillars To Marketing


You must get your business in front of as many people as possible.


Nobody will spend money with a business they don't trust to fulfill their needs.


After capturing your audience, you must build certainty. That you are the BEST option.

Do These Three Things With A Marketing Funnel

How A Marketing Funnel Works

Drive Traffic

Paid Ads

The easiest and safest way to drive traffic to your business. Trade money for leads. Get instant results and scale as fast as you'd like.


Permenant digital real estate- it doesn't go away when you decrease your ads budget. When done correctly, returns are compounding and never-ending.

Capture Audience


Establish authority and credibility. There are a numerous amount of uses for websites, depending on what industry you're in.

Lead Magnets

A great way to capture some of your traffic. Especially pick out the audience who already has slight interest in your business.

Nurture Prospects to Convert into Buyers


If you want to maximize profits, having different offers is an excellent way to make sure you fulfill the needs of any potential buyers.


Not every lead is a lay down sale. In fact, most of your money can be found in the 'hard' conversions. Use a CRM to build customer relationships, and stay on top of their mind when they are ready to make a decision.

Nurture Prospects to Convert into Buyers

Customer Rentention

It's easier to get someone to buy after already having done business with you, versus converting a new cold lead. Maintain your customer relationships.

Reward Programs

Incentivize previous customers to either leave a review, buy again, or refer someone else. In most cases, this is the easiest and most cost-effective way to boost revenue.


Numbers Talk

Once you've got all the necessary systems in place, the best way to optimize your funnel is to test and restest every component. There's always room for improvement.

Now You Have The General Idea Of How A Funnel Works

Want To Know More?

A common trait of business owners is being a self-starter. I have found that a lot of them are inclined towards figuring out most of this stuff on their own, trying to avoid paying someone else to do it. Most of them end up changing their minds and paying someone down the road anyway, but I created a doc with all the necessary details one would need in order to take on a task like this on their own. If that's not you, press the white button to apply to work with me.

About Me

My Name Is Victor

I've been obsessed with business since I was in highschool. I started my first 'real' business at 17, selling clothes. Although, I would make the clothes by hand, and before the end of my first year in business, I had more orders coming in than I could physically keep up with.
I knew I didn't want to make clothes for the rest of my life, so I pursued a career in marketing.

I'm Experienced

I'm Fast

I'm Reliable

Mason Doerr, Founder & CEO of Cardinal Agency, CopyMBA

“Victor has crazy energy. Gets stuff done on time with few revisions. Would recommend.”

My Services

Literally Everything You Need

Full-Stack Growth Marketing

An exceptional marketer will not just handle marketing for your business, but also act as a business consultant.
I will brainstorm with you, so we can strategize and figure out the best way to present your business to the world. Optimizing for conversions without sacrificing your branding.

Here Are My Most Common Services That I Provide





Content Creation
